Highly-Available Status Pages

Powered by infrastructure spanning across multiple regions and providers

Human Monitored 24/7

Redundant Cloud Providers

Geo DNS Routing

Fault Tolerant

Check out our performance and uptime history at status.status.io

Disaster Recovery

Fear not. In case of a catastrophe, we have multiple hot and cold failover sites scattered around the planet controlled by DNS failover.

Platform Independent

Our system is deployable almost everywhere allowing us to increase redundancy by leveraging additional providers.

Flexible DNS

Bring your custom domain and DNS or optionally bypass your DNS and use yourname.status.io. Our DNS is handled by Route53.

Security Focused

Status.io implements state of the art security with the worst-case scenario in mind. All status pages come with backups enabled and are built on multi-redundant infrastructure.

  • Full stack monitoring
  • Continuous testing
  • Multiple geographic regions
  • Auto-scaling system resources
  • Redundant infrastructure
  • TLS/SSL secured connections
  • Disaster recovery backups
  • 3rd party security audits
  • Dedicated firewall and VPN

Multifactor Authentication

Use YubiKey hardware security keys for extra protection.

Get a YubiKey